Saturday, January 7, 2017 SC to Andersonville, GA

Happy New Year!

I am starting 2017 off with a trip to the famous Quartzsite rally in Arizona (check it out on Wikipedia).  Thousands of RVs descend on this small town in the southern Arizona desert close to California border.  There is a monster RV show along with gem shows and giant flea markets to keep folks occupied while they enjoy the dry warm days and cool nights - perfect for RV camping without any facilities, called "boondocking."  I am planning on generally driving I20 west to I10 with lots of stops along the way to break up the monotony of driving cross country.

Escaping the cold weather snap that threatened to possibly bring snow and ice to Charleston and the rest of the south, I decided to get out before the roads could ice up later Saturday night.  Got on the road about 11:30 and drove south on I95, then west on I16 - cloudy and light drizzle a couple of times, but roads were dry.  Driving across Georgia, I enjoyed seeing many sod farms with their huge fields of bright green grass.  These eventually gave way to pecan tree orchards, then cows in their pastures.

 I stopped for the night at a city-run campground in Andersonville, Georgia.  I needed to have electric because the forecast is for below freezing temps all night and although the furnace is propane, the blower fan uses a lot of electricity that would drain my batteries by morning. The campground is small, nothing fancy, but has electricity and is convenient for my visit tomorrow to the National Prisoner of War Museum and the Andersonville civil war prison and cemetery.

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