Friday, January 27, 2017: Big Bend Day 2

  Woke to a beautiful sunrise and temps in the mid 30's.  Brrrrr.  No electric here and cannot use my generator.  Started up the propane furnace and ever since I filled the propane tank a few days ago, the furnace has trouble igniting.  It ran three times, and each time the blower runs quite a while, sucking juice from the batteries, but no heat.  So, decided to pack up and drive to a parking area near the lodge where I could run the generator to replenish the batteries and run my electric space heater.  Hmmm, no good spots near the lodge where I would not disturb folks, so headed back up and out of the basin area and found a roadside pullout.  By then, the engine heater had warmed the front quite a bit and I found that while I was driving, the furnace finally kicked in.  Toasty, now - have I mentioned how much I hate the cold?

Dressed and had breakfast and then continued my Big Bend Park tour by heading to the east side of the park, about 25 miles.  This is a huge park, roughly 100x100 miles.

Stopped at a desert "oasis" where in the middle of just creosote bushes and cacti, trees grew due to an underground spring.  This had been the site of a ranch that is gone now.  Nearby in the desert, they had a short walk identifying all the different cacti - so photos of flora!

I continued my drive east towards the Rio Grande, enjoying the scenery, and a cute coyote who seemed as interested in me as I was in him!

I did a  hike to Boquillas Canyon, but the path was blocked right before the entrance - it was a pretty walk along the river.

Decided to head out of the park instead of staying at the campground in the Rio Grande Village.  I had hoped the campsites would be on the river, but you couldn't even see it from the campground.

Drove due north to Marathon, Texas and then headed east on route 90 to a small town, Sanderson where I got a decent campsite with full hookups.  Calling for a snow shower tonight, but sunny and cold (32) in the morning.

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