New Hampshire and Maine, June 1.

Happy June 1!

Spent a quiet night at the beach and woke to a bit of fog that burned off for a beautiful sunny day.  Before leaving our campground, I took a walk on the beach...

We got a late start and after checking out of the campground, we headed north and took old R  oute 1 along the coast instead of interstate 95.  We drove through a very short stretch of New Hampshire and then on to old Maine coastal towns, including Wells and Kenebunkport.  We stopped for the night near the coast in mid-Maine - we are getting Bangor, Maine radio stations.  Forecast to go down to the low 40's tonight.  Guess we better get used to it.  Really enjoying the second spring flowers up here - trees are not fully leafed out and the lilacs are out.  Looks like we get to enjoy three Springs this year - South Carolina, Northeast, and then what we will see up in Newfoundland.

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