Blomidon Provincial Park

We camped on top of a bluff overlooking the Minas Basin with the highest tides in the world. The campground is in a Provincial Park called Blomidon and it was a beautiful spot with fabulous views.
We hiked almost 8 miles over 2 days in this park through lush woods with views of the Basin. The trails were a bit slow because they were full of tree roots and we had one section that descended the cliff down to the beach and then climbed back up - we were exhausted.

We are driving west along the Minas Basin, through the Acadian countryside, visiting small fishing villages. The weather has been good except for fog that rolls in, dropping the temperatures 10 degrees or more and making photos difficult. Then the fog just disappears - no rhyme or reason!

This lighthouse was in a quaint fishing village called Hall's harbor. There were about a dozen or so homes, a couple of fishing boats and a small restaurant filled with tourists each lunch. A very pretty spot.
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