Golf Break at White Point Resort

We stopped along the South Shore of Nova Scotia at a park that had internet service that really worked - at least much of the time. A few hours later, our twin pulls in and parked right next to us. Nice couple from Ontario (originally from California) with four kids AND a dog - all in the little View. Of course, they are only vacationing for a week or so, and we're living in it for months at a time. We think the View is just the right size for two of us, but six people and a dog? Wow!

We played golf at the White Point Resort - they bill themselves as the "Poor Man's Pebble Beach" and it really had gorgeous views on all but two holes. The Atlantic Ocean up here is a medium light blue (or is it a light, medium blue - can't you just hear Jack giving me grief over my color descriptions?) and the waves crash pure white foam--I don't know why, but I thought the North Atlantic would be a very dark blue - anyway, enough of the color details - it is beautiful. We had decent rounds of golf - nothing spectacular as we spent a lot of time worrying about getting photos instead of our shots. How's that for an excuse?

We stayed at a campground between two lakes in the interior of Nova Scotia - we can see both lakes right from our campsite. We took the kayak out, but it was too windy and it became work instead of play, so we took photos of the sunset from our campsite instead.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Sounds like a lovely vacation now. And you know that any excuse works for golf!

