Newfoundland Villages

 We continued driving south along the Western Coast of the Northern Peninsula and the weather improved greatly - temps went up to the mid to high 50's, fog disappeared, no rain, and we saw the sun!!!  Along the way, we took detours into a few small towns and villages on the coast.  Took some photos to give you a feel for the area:

Lots of laundry hanging on lines

Look carefully back right - they built a house incorporating a camper!

Lobster traps everywhere

Lobster traps and wood stack

Dandelion front yard

Relaxing spot on the Bay

More dandelion yards

Saw many of these large modern houses on this trip

Newfoundland is called "The Rock" and you can see why - need to put rock cages around telephone poles to anchor them because they can't blast into the bedrock.

Stopped for the night in a small town called Cow Head with one of the few sandy summer swimming beaches in long as you like your ocean water temperature in the low 60's.  

All the houses have these wooden boxes for their garbage.  Some are very artsy!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Such a different way of life.
