Cow Head and Gros Morne's Western Brook Pond Boatride


Our campsite is in a small campground next to the Sea Breeze Bed and Breakfast, right on the Cow Head harbour.  Beau and I did some long walks around the town and along the rocky beach, where Beau found some bones of some large animal (caribou?).  

The rocks have all types of striations and colors:  green, blue, gray, orange, blue

Beau found this bone that he desperately wanted to take home.

And these bones that seemed more weathered, but quite large.  Looked like a leg portion and knee or hip joint.

We are staying here because it is close to the Western Brook Pond in Gros Morne National Park where we have reservations for a boatride.  In Canada, a Pond is a lake, and not just a small lake.  They call this lake a fjord, but technically it isn't because it is a fresh water lake that was sculpted by a glacier - similar to the Finger Lakes in New York.  It is also very deep - 500 feet and very cold - about 35 degrees at the surface, and has very high vertical cliffs on either side along its 10 mile length. 

From the parking lot, it is a 3 km walk to the boat dock, but thankfully, they started providing a golfcart transport, so Jack could get to the boat.  The day started out foggy, but cleared up with intermittent clouds coming and going that sometimes masked the tops of the cliffs.  It was a two hour tour, and we were glad to wore many of our layers because although the temp at the dock was pleasant, the boatride was really cold.  It was a wonderful trip and took lots of photos.  

Clouds when we first got to the boat launch

The face in the mountain they call The Tin Man

Our favorite waterfall

Closeup of The Tin Man

I know, third photo, but we REALLY like this one.

We returned to our Sea Breeze campground and spent the night.  Tomorrow we will continue our journey south and east to Deer Lake before Taking Route 1 East in search of more icebergs in Iceberg Alley.



  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Beautiful pics Cathy. What great memories! Vicky

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Loving this! You capture natural beauty with each photo! Thanks for taking us along on this adventure!
