
We arrived in Brussels after an overnight flight tired, but excited to be starting our trip.  We took a train and the metro to get to our hotel in the center of Brussels, but at 10 am, our room was not ready.  We stayed in the executive lounge checking our email and enjoying European coffee for a couple of hours until the room was available and then we took a good nap.  Around 3pm, we headed out to grab a bite to eat at a local cafe and did some great people watching and enjoyed a sandwich on the best baguette we have had in a very long time.

Brussels is a large, vibrant city with a huge mix of people from all over the world and it was fun watching and listening to the folks passing by our outdoor cafe.  The weather is glorious - mid-70s and mostly sunny.  Afterwards, we headed to Mannekin Pis - yup, it is just what it sounds like and here is the photo.
He's actually a little squirt!

We wandered around the old town center until we found the glorious Grand Place which is the central square.  Here is where the European Parliament meets and other buildings include many guild (craftsmen unions) halls from medieval times.  Some have recently been restored with tons of gold leaf and others are still in the process.  We returned at dusk (10 pm)  to see the nightlife.  Lots of tourists and teenagers, looking for their evening's entertainment.

Some street scapes, includes absolutely fabulous chocolate and pastry shops.
Now that's a vacuum cleaner!  Streets were spotless.  

Mediterranean specialty sweets

Just your average chocolate shop.

We checked out one of the first indoor malls in the world, built in the 1890's.  Lots of super upscale shops. We treated ourselves to one of the famous Belgian waffles, loaded with strawberries, whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate.  yummmmm

Up at the crack of 9am (2am on our body clocks), so we are a little groggy, but enjoying good, strong Belgian coffee and off on the train to pick up L'il Guy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    In 2008 / 09 we did a trip much like your are doing. We spend 8 months in Europe. Our blog is
    we am following your trip with much interest. You are make me so happy, someone else is making this trip.
    Every time I open your blog I am taken back to our trip. I wish you the best of lucky we had a great trip only a couple of problems. we met the Salmons on our trip in fact they met us when we landed.
    Keep in touch and if we can help you let us know

    Bob Tait
    Bothan Taistil
    133,600 2006 J
