July 12, 2013: Mt. Rainier to The Olympic Peninsula

Up early to drive 1/2 hour from our campground to Sunrise Point,  Unfortunately, the clouds obscured most of the mountain and even when we could see it, the snow-capped mountain blended with the grayish sky, so no photos.

We did capture one great picture of a mountain in the distance (Mt. Hood?) with a telescopic lens as its top was highlighted with a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.

We said goodbye to the majestic Mt. Rainer and drove southwest around Tacoma to the Olympic Peninsula to a small town called Hoquaim that is one of the entry towns to the northern Washington coast beach towns and Olympic National Park.  We have a nice site overlooking the Hoquaim River.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Thank you for sharing. I got your blog address from the yahoo Navion/View group's recent post you made. I'm still a couple years from my purchase of a View and reading about your adventures provides me enough inspiration to keep my goal in sight.

    Rob M
    Valencia, CA
