August, 2015: Heading to the East Coast

Spent the last few days driving east through South Dakota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and into western New York.

We made a stop at the famous Corn Palace in South Dakota - pretty much the only tourist attraction in central, eastern South Dakota along I80. It is primarily an arena used for basketball games and concerts that is decorated annually with corn cob panels.

We spent some time visiting Jack's brother and his family in Iowa and then headed east on I80.  I saw a sign for Herbert Hoover National Park.  Hah - I started with the Presidential visits (Andrew Johnson Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman) and now we will finish the trip with another tour of a Presidential museum.  Herbert Hoover was known as "The Humanitarian" for his relief work after World War I and II.

Birthplace town of Herbert Hoover

Cottage where Herbert Hoover was born

Herbert Hoover was a Quaker and this was the Friends Meeting House

Herbert Hoover Museum and Library

We spent endless hours on the interstate through Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania, occasionally interspersed with some much needed side roads to break the monotony.  We arrived in Elmira and spent a few days visiting friends and enjoying wonderful warm, but not hot weather.

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